On Tuesday, January 29th 2008 I thought I had solved all my blogging issues. But sadly things change and solutions age before the problem dies away and what was my problem free blogging platform turned into/became/was a vastly different issue.
Blogger's choice to discontinue ftp publishing is both a sad one and a problem to me seeing this is how I publish all things art related. So in pursuit to continue to publish via ftp has led me to use wordpress. Which I don't have a problem doing so but that means that all my old content now has to exist as a separate page here. Sad I know but this will hopefully be for the better. There are several articles on migrating the old blog to the new wordpress site but I for the life of me could not get it to work...anyone successfully accomplished this?
I probably should have used wordrpess from the start but all the database construction gave me a headache. Turns out it wasn't that bad. But the good news is the IconUnited Blog is now back up and running. Posts shall flow freely from now on. Sadly older posts will now be backstage.
But, now to kick off such a wonderful new start, tomorrow I will post my first Artist/Photographer Interview session featuring Daniel George. Every week I'm going to try and get something up about a photographer I have recently met. I know I been in contact with a few people and they have graciously waited until I fixed this blogger-to-discontinue-ftp-publishing bit but I think the worst is behind me and I can safely say onward to the posts.
And to the interviews!
Thanks for baring with me.
Oh, on another note, the template is going to be probably switching at some point down the road... I may find this one isn't as groovy as I first thought.