2025 February

There are many things I love about photography (and video production). A reoccurring theme within those are the people I meet and work with. I don’t think many would argue that learning from other people happens naturally in the process of collaboration and creation. I love it. The work generally “takes me to” someone or someplace and with that comes a special “newness” I enjoy (moving about factory floors is a particular favorite place to learn). I assume learning is true for many creatives but it’s something I try not to take for granted. Whether I’m making stills, creating a video, or even if it’s something reoccurring with someone I’ve worked with before, I always try to fully appreciate the relationship with the work. One brand that I continually work with is cranium.club and I’m thankful to work with their team. Their continual take on creativity and a positive outlook on life is a joy to be a part of. I love the ideas they throw at me and the commitment to the creative process. If you have a moment check them out. Their work on the socials is great too. And I didn’t mean for this to be a brand plug, but there you go, good people definitely deserve a shout out : )

A bts image of a quick shoot with cranium

If I’ve worked with you in the past, or I’m working with you on an upcoming project, I appreciate you. And I’m looking forward to your ideas and vision. I can’t wait to create together and bring some positive images to life. No matter how big or small that may be. If you have an idea, reach out, let’s chat about it.

Anyway, another month, and another post. I managed to squeak something in under the wire for February. It’s hard to imaging I’m only going for 12 posts this year but it’s amazing how fast time flies by. It' seems like February just started but I’m 2/12 so I’ll see you next month. Be safe out there ☮️

2025, Back To The Blog

It’s been a long, long time since I’ve written anything here. So long, it feels like starting over. Unless you were living off the grid in ways it’s hard to imagine (and if you were, you definitely weren’t reading this blog, or any blog) you probably didn’t miss the fact the world seemed to go upside down in 2020. And if you’re like me, you might feel it hasn’t returned right-side up. I believe I wouldn’t get a lot of pushback if I said the world changed for everyone in 2020. It went a bit crazy, it was a bit crazy, and it still seems crazy. One thing that changed in 2020 (maybe not crazy, but still a change) was writing here. As we moved into 2025 I wondered why I stopped writing. I didn’t really have a good reason.

With the current state of social media (or advertising platforms if you want to call them that), I seem to long for something I control a bit more of. Something that isn’t algorithmic based. Something that allows me the flexibility to share a link, photo, video, or other media that I create or find. And when I share it I’m not boxed in by the platform. I also don’t want to think about the “feed” nature of these platforms. So I’m back here with an interest in focusing on this space. And with that in mind, I’m going to start writing again and see where it goes. I hope to have a moment to write/comment/share once a month. Will it be groundbreaking? Probably not. Will it go viral? Probably not. But I will share bits and pieces of things of a life behind the lens or maybe lens-adjacent (if you want to call it that, lol). It’ll be things that I would like to share on other platforms, but because the nature of those platforms, I might not get to share them in the context I want. We’ll see where it goes. And if I do contribute once a month, if anything, that’ll be a personal victory.

Speaking of behind the lens, from a month or two ago, this is a pretty good location bts/selfie (thanks tripod!) image of me working a chip chart (best chip chart holder out there!). Location productions are the best because I’ll often find myself in a space I’ve never been before. It’s one of the things I naturally fell in love with when it comes to photography and video production. In this location, upon renovation, they installed a wall using the Japanese wood burning process, shou sugi ban (or yakisugi) which involves charring wood to create a blackened, durable surface. It’s amazing. It’s also a fantastic, unique portrait backdrop. Those I photographed against this wall loved the image. I mean, how could you not right? Absolutely amazing wall. Anyway, more to follow, hopefully next month. ☮️

2019 In Review

Welp, that went by fast. 2019 came and went, and it was a busy one. It was full of adventure and creativity. Normally I would put up a little review up but as things go, I don’t have the time for it. 2019 isn’t going to go out quietly but racing into what looks like a very busy 2020.

All that to say, if I worked with you, if I worked besides you, or our creative paths crossed in 2019, I’m thankful for you. I’m thankful 2019 was full of great projects and great people. And while 2020 looks like it will be very busy, I’m looking forward to the challenges and the new adventures. I leave you with an epic lighting-test-selfie from the studio. Kind of. Fun times none-the-less. Don’t be a stranger, drop me a line in 2020 and let’s take on media together : )


Also, I normally do a music review of sorts but as mentioned above, time is in short supply. So here’s a hot take on some of the music I’ve been lisenting to in 2019. In no particular order…

Active Child. I cannot say enough about this music. I went with “All Eyes on You” because it was released first but “Set Me Free” is right up there. I really like the whole EP. I know it’s only three songs, but still…I dig it. I hope to see Active Child again in concert. Amazing music.

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Poemme. So this album was released in 2017 but I really just “discovered it” this year. I’m really into ambient music and I found myself sliding into very busy days with this album in the background. Choice in the mornings for sure.

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Rounding out the year is this playlist. “Your Super Chill” was created around music that I found on YouTube and those tracks randomly chosen by Spotify throughout the year. And this playlist hit me hard. I listened to it a lot. It was my goto playlist in the studio. I really dig the chill vibes. I don’t know a lot about the artists but the tracks here are choice indeed.

And it appears that Spotify was doing it’s Spotify thing and not letting me embed the playlist. Classic. So try this link or this one spotify:playlist:3raViDOe50KDqPQ4bOWtHN (copy and paste that in a browser if it doesn’t work. old school I know, but sometimes it’ll have to do) or I suppose search it on Spotify. If there’s a will there’s a way as the saying goes.

Screen Shot 2019-12-21 at 8.02.25 AM.png

Shout out to BVDUB real quick for another amazing 2019 album… I’m always into the ambient thought provoking sounds of BVDUB.

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And a local artist to finish out the list. I really enjoyed Jake Allen. I didn’t know him until I stumbled upon him at The Listening Room. He put on an epic solo show and did the thing with the looper that really appeals to me. Really solid sounds. Check him out.

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And that’s a wrap. Have a great rest of 2019! More to follow in 2020!

Busy Times

The last post before this one was two months ago. Time flies when you’re on the move. There’s been a lot happening in front of the lens and behind the wheel. Between moving around locally and moving around with Seventy7 Productions, time has been tough to come by. Recently Seventy7 brought me on board for a project in NYC (see the snap below from some neatly arranged gear in the DTW parking lot, classic, ha). Sometimes I wonder if social media platforms have replaced blogs or online journals, but in my mind I’m not so sure. The constant din of what social media is and where it comes from often brings a different energy. Energy that I’m not always enthusiastic about. Blog form really does seem to bring a different moment to the screen. Perhaps few and far between, but a different moment, different energy. And that is a welcome change. I’m looking forward to posting a series here that really brought together a few different companies. The images turned out beautifully and all those involved brought a lot of quality to the production. Until then, I’m off to Hastings Michigan today for a location shoot. Always on the move. More to follow…

#Thinktankphoto (light stand case), #PeakDesign (camera bag), and #PelicanCase (flash case)

#Thinktankphoto (light stand case), #PeakDesign (camera bag), and #PelicanCase (flash case)

Fitness With Kelly Brown

After every blog here I seem to suggest an effort will be made to get behind the desk more and write/share new content with some of the latest happenings. Or at least post more often. What seems to actually follow any said post is tons of editing work behind the desk. Very little blogging. Writing takes a back seat. And if there was a seat behind the back seat, like a 80’s style station wagon, that’s probably where the intent to post gets seated.

But I did want to pop up above all the happenings and general busyness, and share some recent work…more specifically a project with Kelly Brown, Jordan Hartly, and Ethan Alex. I don’t work with “fitness photography” per se, mainly because I don’t hang out in those circles, but the opportunity to work with Kelly Brown opened that door. As a tremendous athlete and coach, I saw the chance to put together some stylized images with Kelly. I can’t say enough good things about Kelly, Jordan, and Ethan. All talented in their own right. Kelly in-front of the camera, Jordan’s retouching is so well seen, and Ethan’s backdrops are on the same level as Oliphant. The images really came together and I’m thankful for the chance to yet again pull together everyone for a new vision. I’m really looking forward to the next time I’m able photograph something sport. More to follow…


West Michigan Orthopaedics

April has been a busy month. In between it all West Michigan Orthopaedics released a series of videos I recently finished working on. This was a partnership between myself and Com616. These informational/instructional videos are focused on some of the issues their patients seek treatment for. All and all it was a fun project and I was thankful to be part of it.

Just a quick post for today but I’m looking forward to some projects coming up…more to follow…

Winter Is Ending

By all accounts this winter was one for the books. It picked up rather slowly but when it arrived, it brought some pretty intense low temperatures and significant snowfall. Much of the mid-west fell below zero for a time. It was the talk of the town so-to-speak. As we rapidly approach warmer times I thought I’d post this image from awhile back when I was traveling up North. I have so many images from this vantage point I’ve lost track, but when the light does this I cannot help but make an image.

Lake Michigan, Winter 2019

Lake Michigan, Winter 2019

And if you’re wondering, yes, it was cold when making this image. Beautiful, but cold. Anyway, as always, there is NEVER enough time to post here, but I am excited about a lot of work happening beyond this blog, I’m looking forward to sharing it via Twitter updates or direct posts here. We’ll see… Have a good week, more to follow…

Point Of Val

I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate a couple of times with Valerie Oresko. On this last occasion it was just before the release of her new lifestyle blog (link above). Valerie has a wonderful sense of style and writing that is open and honest. I’m looking forward to where she takes it. The image here was featured on @castdetroit (thanks CastDetroit! for the shout). I also had the opportunity to meet Emily Annett who is a talent behind the camera herself. Her Instagram is loaded with really wonderful images. All of us were in the studio a few weeks back and I created a quick look with Val and Emily created some images that became a story for Val’s blog. It was a fun collaboration. Hopefully we’ll all be able to do it again. As for now, it’s back to editing. More to follow…

Valerie Oresko

Valerie Oresko

#BTS of some cool people

#BTS of some cool people

Between Posts

It’s been forever since a post here! Things have been busy on all fronts but I’m looking to post a little more over the coming weeks. Some of it new, some of it old, but all-in-all I feel like now’s the time to jump into a post or two while behind the desk. Also, my last post was on a holiday and after such a long amount of time between posts, I thought it fitting to start it up again on another holiday. Happy Halloween everyone! Have a good one and be safe out there! More to follow…

Poster for the Illinois WPA Art Project, showing a boy reading a book, surrounded by a bat, ghost, witch, and other images of Halloween. Published between 1936 and 1940.

Poster for the Illinois WPA Art Project, showing a boy reading a book, surrounded by a bat, ghost, witch, and other images of Halloween. Published between 1936 and 1940.

Studio BTS

While in between productions in 2018 I had intended to post more frequently (more than 2017 at least) but as time is limited, the posts seem to be as well. I did want to get a recent collaboration out there. Awhile back Motivity Pictures stopped by the studio. Motivity is a production company producing excellent work. They spent an afternoon in the studio for new portraits for their website. And as all photographers/videographers tend to do, they brought their cameras along. What followed was great conversation, awesome photos, and a wonderful little bts video. Check out the bts...

And here is the group image from my side of the camera....

Motivity Pictures

Motivity Pictures

There's a heavy tone here for a different look. All in all, a good afternoon's work. Hopefully more to follow here sooner than later...

Quick Shout Out

Along the road of photography I love to meet people and be a part of their journey. Awhile back I met Terrence... Super cool guy and incredibly hard worker. His journey in-front of the camera has only continued to grow over the months and yesterday he gave me shout on Instagram after a lot of that work. I'm happy to help and working with him over the last few months has been great. Super excited to see where he goes.

Photo May 21, 6 29 38 PM.png

Anyway, pretty cool stuff. Aaaaand it's a pretty busy week so it's a short one. Looking forward to a video production with a new client that should be pretty fun. More to follow on that... Have a good one!

A Short Aside

It would be a missed moment if I didn't mention the monumental change in football over the weekend. If you didn't catch it, the name of this sight, Icon United, while photography and art centered, is a direct nod to football.  When I made the full leap into photography and multimedia, circa 2006, I also began to also heavily follow Arsenal F.C. out of Highbury, London.

Around then the Premiere League started to broadcast games here in the states more predominantly with the hope to widen their audience. And it worked, at least here. I found myself watching a match here or there, late at night or on the weekend...and before I knew it, I was interested. And as anyone does, when they are interested, they seek to learn more. To follow it more closely I felt I needed a club. After looking into a few clubs...their names, places, and probably most important in 2006, who had an online presence in which I could read about them, follow them and learn though them...I found The Arsenal. I learned about their history and I learned about the game. I learned about the rules. And about the other teams. And in the end, I learned I really enjoyed soccer. For someone who grew up with sports on the peripheral view of life, football caught fire in the mid oughts and has been part of my life since. More specifically The Arsenal caught fire and has been a part of my life since.

And yesterday that drama was in full force. A man I have been following for the last 12 years, the manager of Arsenal F.C., stepped down. Arsen Wenger managed AFC for 22 years, overseeing 1235 matches overall, and the only manager I have known. The lead principle in a drama I have keenly followed over the years. When this site was created, the "United" comes from so many football clubs that share the same unifier. I found it hard to work in an "F.C." in a way that might relate to photography and multimedia, so I went with united. I felt at the time, and still do to this day, that between a United group of creators, great content can be made. I've also found that to be true. I have been fortunate enough to partner with so many talented creators over the years.

In the world of soccer, it's a title attribute many clubs share. And while not a direct nod to Arsenal, the United here itself has been, and will continue to be, a fun nod to soccer in my life.

As change seems to be constant, this is a new form of it in a place that hasn't seen a lot of it. Arsen leaves this season behind and a new chapter begins begins for the club.  He will be missed here. He's been the only manger I have known at a club that I have come to follow religiously. It makes for exciting times. But as football clubs go, I'm happy to have fallen in with a club who's manager believed that football could be an art form. I'm happy that this club is from a district in North London, so far away from the mid-west, but close with friends and family. I'm also happy that Arsenal show up in one of my most favorite works, The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy - random but true. Arsen Wenger's last match managing Arsenal F.C. was yesterday and it would be amiss if I didn't note how much fun it has been to follow The Arsenal. I look forward to more drama full of highs and lows, a sport shared by the world, and how it's left an impression here. When I tell people, "Don't remember how to spell my name because it's furitless, it's tough to spell on the fly... just remember Icon United, it's easier." I usually get a smile as I hand them a business card and some even get the reference. Thanks for the memories Arsen.


Away From The Desk

This has been a week of hustle. I haven't had a lot of time behind the desk to sit down and post some new work or current happenings but new images and projects will hopefully show up here soon. There are several things going at the moment, and I was away on location, which definitely keeps you on your toes. This weekend isn't going to hold much downtime but I'm looking forward to posting some fresh stuff soon. Have a good weekend out there! More to follow...

Also, I like things organized neatly.

Tools Of The Trade

Tools Of The Trade

Passthrough Creative

A few posts ago I was enamored with the idea of "pictures of me existing" in perpetuity on (or in depending on how you look at it) the Internet. Every now and then I stumble across an image of me and I think it's interesting that I had no idea it existed until that moment I saw it. Yesterday, I had a somewhat different version of that experience. A picture I created, or photographed, showed up on a website other what I believed intended use was. For this image, I was not the producer or director, and I didn't have much to go on as I was subcontracted.

blog photo-2.jpg

As subcontracted photographer hired to take photographs for another producer/director I actually was never specifically told what the headshots (I hate that word) were going to be used for. Just a vague, "we need them for the website. To get to know us, meet the team." Yesterday, when I saw an image from that session pop up on Instagram in ad form, I did a double take. This is years after the portrait session, an original image from that session below. I don't believe this ad was the original intended use, but then again, I don't know because I didn't produce/direct the project.

Original Image, taken 2015

Original Image, taken 2015

Original Image, taken 2015

Original Image, taken 2015

For me, it's done and dusted. I didn't write a contract nor did I have a conversation about a licensing agreement with the producer. My job was to step in, photograph for another production company, and provide them with images.

I see this (and this instances like this) as problematic. It's happening more and more where companies simply "pass along" creative that is outside the Usage Rights of the original project. Usage Rights are a big thing for all creatives as they battle the forces of the Internet. And that's more or less the paradox. With the Internet, you're out there. Once that digital file leaves the camera, it REALLY leaves the camera. It's wonderfully productive to be able to effortlessly pass along images to creative directors/clients/prospective clients, etc... but it's also wonderfully easy for them to pass along your images to 3rd parties, who then use them for their own purposes. The implications are creatives loose money because the new 3rd party just got your creative for free. When there is an agreement in place for Usage Rights, and images still get passed along, it's grounds for a lawsuit or at least, renegotiating the contract. For this case, I simply don't know if there was any conversation about Usage Rights. I don't believe there was. But again, when not subcontracted, I'm far closer to my clients than I was with this project and I would know.

What's up Yotpo? You look to be in need of some creative if you're using 3 year old images.


It's talking circles for those who deal with this daily but for someone who generally creates very specific use content, I was surprised to see one of my images on the Internet in a vastly different use than what I understood. On Instagram of all places. Or perhaps, of course on Instagram. It's something I'm going to ponder over the weekend.

On another note entirely, I'm really excited about a lot of upcoming projects and new work. Have a good one out there! More to follow...

Warren Miller

Warren Miller was, and forever will be, an inspiration. I did, and always will, think of him fondly. He will be missed.

Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 7.57.13 AM.png

When I made the decision to “go into photography” as “a career” I thought about people like Warren and all the “photo annuals” in the ski and snowboarding magazines that littered my childhood floor (somewhat as an adult now too). I grew up with Snowboarding Magazine side by side with National Geographic. I would spend endless hours looking through them. After all these years I still have a few from back in the day. Growing up, getting magazine after magazine filled with colorful, daring pictures of power hounds inverted off this cliff, chest deep in power on the steepest of fronts... these images filled my head of things that I would like to do. In 2007 I really forcefully made a choice to “figure it out” and see how photography could be a part of my life. So, after a year and half of work, I bought a camera, and before graduate school, headed West myself. I never really did create images from the mountainside l saw in the magazines, but I did take a few snaps that I look back on and smile.

Snowbird, 2007

Snowbird, 2007

X-Games, Park City, 2007

X-Games, Park City, 2007

Snowbird, 2007

Snowbird, 2007

Even a few that make me laugh. I don't know what I was thinking here...

Me. Self-portrait. Somewhere in Colorado, with my 5DMKI & Subaru, 2007

Me. Self-portrait. Somewhere in Colorado, with my 5DMKI & Subaru, 2007

By all digital standards the camera I bought then is worthless now, but I cannot for the life of me sell it (as if it would sell).

At that time, 2007, it was everything. From my companion in the mountains to a tool in grad school, it became this thing that was quickly defining me.

My First Digital Camera from 2007

My First Digital Camera from 2007

And while my images from my season in the mountains weren’t the audacious attempts like those I grew up looking at in magazines, and I had so much to learn about photography and life, those images were mine. I was there and hungry. And while I put career ahead of being a ski bum, which took me away from the Mountains, but I do always look for that opportunity to return (although, it had never occurred to me to make a career out of being a ski bum, maybe a missed opportunity there... but que sera sera and all).

Warren Miller will always be one of many inspirational figures in my life. Have a good weekend out there…

BTS Detroit

Just a quick one as we wrap up the week...it's a nice BTS shot taken by the most excellent Artie Bowman onsite at company in Detroit. The client needed some warehouse images to showcase their new facility. I needed to get above it all to capture it. Clearly it all worked out with the help of a lift. The images turned out great and this BTS is pretty cool. Looking forward to posting more content here and some of the project in the hopper for next week. Have a good one out there. More to follow...

Detroit Location.jpg

My Hot Top 5 Of 2017

Usually around this time of year I like to write about the music I stumbled across that hit me and stayed with me for the year. This post is admittedly a little later than what I like, but busy times had a hand in that, and I suppose the ole' adage, "better late then never" applies nicely. I'm not a music expert by any means and I have a tendency to stumble across a song and pay it over and over and over but I would like to think my tastes are rather eclectic and diverse enough to merit a quick review. Also, I should note, these are songs I LISTENED TO IN 2017, not necessarily were RELEASED in 2017. Time used selectively here.

So let's jump in...


5. Honne, Too Long, 2015

I don't know what I was doing in 2015, but it wasn't listing to this song. Don't remember how I found it this year but I dig it. Chill. Falsetto. Things I fall for.

Too Long, a song by HONNE on Spotify


4. The Lagoons, California, 2016

This song is just amazing. Again, chill, heavy sax influence...which I dig. The sax in M83's Midnight City is everything, which that song is SO good (I could have put it back on this list by my own rules). Anyway, I can't help but tap my foot when this song comes on. It was a choice studio song for me this year. 

California, a song by The Lagoons on Spotify


3. Bvdub, Nameless, 2017

It wouldn't be MY list if Bvdub wasn't here. And by default I can't have bvdub #1 every year but I would say this year he comes #3 (but given the day, #1 I suppose). I can't think of a harder working musician out there. At least by sheer volume alone. I would argue by talent as well but sadly the ambient music scene isn't everyone's thing. Every year he releases at least one album. This year his release Heartless is a really great progression. It reminds me a little bit of Born In Tokyo (from 2013). His other 2017 release (yes there were two in 2017, usually are two a year) Epilogues For The End Of The Sky seems to have a higher play-count on Spotify than Heartless. It's tough to narrow it down for me. I really like them both for different reasons. I'm writing this early, so the perhaps the stillness is influencing my feelings. Go listen to both and make your own decision if it's your sort of thing.

Nameless, a song by Bvdub on Spotify


2. Markus Schulz Presents Dakota Featuring Bev Wild - Running Up That Hill

I love trance. Probably a mix of early exposure to 80s synth and video games. I don't know, but when a trance song hits me, it hits me. This song is awesome. It hit the speakers late 2017 and I love it. Markus is one my favorite artists in this genera. Not a morning song, but choice indeed.

Running Up That Hill - Extended Mix, a song by Markus Schulz, Dakota, Bev Wild on Spotify


1. Slowly by Giraffage featuring Matosic

This is just a fun song. I can't help but dig it. I've had the pleasure of sharing it with several people and all seem to find it just the same, fun. I don't even know what category of music this falls into but it's somewhere between chill and pop (I think). Anyway, it's a great driving song. It's a great afternoon song. It's a great studio song. So much to like about it.

Slowly, a song by Giraffage, Matosic on Spotify

So there's my "hot top 5" of the year. There's way more that hit the speakers thoughout 2017 but as I reflect at the moment, these are those songs I played endlessly or at least came back to for a healthy amount of repeat plays.

Looking forward to getting back to photography. 2018 is already shaping up to be busier than the last. More to follow....

Back At It w/Cranium

When I meet up with passionate people who want to collaborate I always make the time. Vinh and Skotty of Cranium are definitely those people (follow them Cranium.club!) I spent part of the night in the studio with them this week photographing. And with tons of help from Artie we managed to put together some looks for their upcoming release at All City Kicks. All good things from them. Anyway, short post for the day. Could be the last one of the year! Crazy. Have a good one out there...more to follow...


Year's End Hustle

It's the Friday before Christmas and there's still a zillion things to do. Family stuff, work stuff, life stuff...it's the time of the year where things are overly busy. The days are just packed.

I took this image awhile back of Clare and Dom. Two really cool people who spent an afternoon hanging out in the studio. It feels pretty "holiday" to me with the red, but that was more a coincidence of timing rather than planning. Originally I envisioned a deep red background because I thought these two would really look dynamic against it. And because I tend to post work far after it's been completed, it's now the holidays, and seems to fit just fine. Such is life. 

Dom & Clara

Dom & Clara

So, there you have it.  And where ever you are out there, I hope this time of the year is full of family, friends, and cheer. I'm looking forward to a very busy 2018. Before that though, I'm going to post my year end in music. It's been a tradition for me for at least a little while now : ) More to follow...