As change continues behind the desk of IU I thought I'd dive back into the archive and post an older image. Another walkabout image… aaand I'm pretty sure Chicago doesn't look like that now. Perhaps something season appropriate next week. After a weekend out from behind the desk. More to come.
nate abramowski
Current Work: Busy Times
I used to blog regularly...well, somewhat regularly.As of lately I have been busy with everything from classes, to ongoing commercial work, to my own personal projects, to all things life... and the blog has largely gone "unposted." I'm going to make a shift to less writing, while focusing more posting images, photographs, and video I may be making at any one point in time. We'll see how this goes but it's an attempt to getting work out there instead of sitting in digital archives. Hopefully work of all forms, from film, to Instagram, will populate this space for the foreseeable future. So look for new things and if you're interested in throwing something out there, drop me a line and I'll see if I can get around to dropping it in a post.
As always, more to come...
Current Work: Detroit Print Exchange
Just a quick update here...
If you're around Detroit at all tonight or the coming weeks, stop by 4731 Gallery in Detroit to see the work of the Detroit Print Exchange. I joined the exhibit at the last moment and I'm honored to be included in the show. Below are some more details. I hope to see you there!
20 artists were selected for participation in a themed portfolio of works to be exhibited at the 4731 Gallery in Detroit. The portfolio features a myriad of traditional printmaking, photography and mixed media work. The Opening reception will feature live music by DJ SuperWill, light hors d'oeuvres and spirits by Detroit's own Valentine Vodka.
Chosen artists were notified in January of their selection and given three months to create work on the theme “ The time we cannot meet”. Tasked with creating an edition of 25 pieces for exchange, the show serves as a way to link artists regardless of geography, and build connections to the city of Detroit as an emerging art Capital. Chosen Artists hail from Tempe AZ, to Salthill Ireland and anywhere between.
The Detroit Print Exchange was established in 2012, by Andrew Hawkes as a way to build a community among like minded artists who were separated by geography. As a two-part exhibition in September the show moves to New York, announcement for those dates are coming soon. The exhibition is curated by Hawkes along with Sarah Ayers and NicholasMark.
4731 Gallery is located at 4731 Grand River Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48208. They are open Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm and by appointment.
Featured Artists:
Nate Abramowski
Mark Andrus
Jennifer Belair
Aimee Bentley
David Birkam
Danielle Burns
Jonni Cheatwood
Robert A. Coombs
Miska Draskoczy
David Gerhard
Caitlin Grames
Eno Laget
Tisch Mikhail Lewis
EimearJean McCormack
Felicity Palma
Jonathon Russell
Georgina Rutherford
Jared C.Tyler
Renee Willoughby
Rosamaria Zamarron
Current Work: A Quick One...
It appears all the "quick shots" I post here are outside of the larger series I'm working on.
Such are the times I suppose. When I finish the larger part of some of the series I have brewing, I'll post them here (or at least as much of the series I have finished). Also, I was accepted into the Detroit Print Exchange at the very last moment. I believe my name should show up soon. More on that to come.
Have a good weekend out there.
GVSU Winter Review
I'm still busy as busy can be but a quick iPhone shot from GVSU's winter review.
A lot of good work by a lot of talented students. I'm looking forward to the show in the future.
Have a good weekend.
More to come...
From Forever Ago....
Where do I start? I’ve been off the grid for so long now, it's a shock to be writing again.
I used to blog all the time…well, ahem, write as often as I could… and then all sorts of things cropped up and *poof* there went the time for any such writing.
I didn’t even get a chance to rock a top ten list for music of 2012 as the year came and went so fast, I barely had time to give it a second thought. That’s usually a keystone post for me and I couldn’t get behind the desk to get something down in writing. Although, for those who know me, one would probably assume that post would be composed of the new Ellie Goulding album, the new The Killers album and then finish things off with multiple 2012 albums from Bvdub. I believe there has been a similar post like that in the past. I know, I know… a little unsurprising but I listen to what I like. Anyway, that’s probably four of my top ten there.
But as things go, I’m going to try and start writing again. I hope to write more, post more and generally be more active. And while this isn’t a long post, it’s a good start.
More to come…
Also, this image happened between 08/12 and 01/13...the metadata would tell me but, in mystery there is beauty...
Current Work: More With Seventy7 Production

Always on the move...I'm running behind with current events but I thought I would throw these images up on the blog even if they're a bit old... we'll see if I catch up with things. In the meantime, I was back on location with Seventy7 for One Reverse Mortgage. Henry Winkler was on set for day guy, fun times. Maybe some image of Henry in the future, we'll see here... but I'm looking forward to working with Seventy7 again. Awesome production company. Always more to come...
Update: Busy Times
There really are things to come...It's been busy times behind the desk of na/iu, I haven't had a chance to update things. So until I do, make sure you enjoy a sunset or two...
More next week...cheers.
Happy 4th of July!
A quick one from the archive...
The image originates from The Art Institute of Chicago... to quote a bit...
"Before September 11th became synonymous with terrorist attacks and religious intolerance, it was host to that event’s antithesis — the First World Parliament of Religions held in The Art Institute of Chicago’s Fullerton Hall on September 11, 1893. The parliament was an early attempt to create a global discussion of religious faiths, and Swami Vivekananda delivered an eloquent keynote address to an audience of over 7,000."
"Now, 118 years after his speech and nearly a decade after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Jitish Kallat reintroduces the public to Vivekananda’s words in “Public Notice 3,” an exhibition on display at The Art Institute of Chicago from September 11, 2010 through May 1, 2011."
Info about the image/installation can be found here.
Have a good one everybody!
Always more to come...
Places: Eastern Market, Detroit & Signal-Return Press
Always on the move...I'm off to Detroit today to pick up some work from a selected show. I'm also going to stop by Signal-Return Press for a class in letterpress. Good times. The image from below is from my last trip. Not sure I'll have the time to make new images this time around but you never know...
More to come.
Current Work: Seventy7 Productions
On the go...Things have been incredibly busy behind the desk of na/i.u. but I did want to throw some images up from some recent work. I was contacted by Marc Ruiz, Director of Seventy 7 Productions, to document some production work of their own. I thought I'd post some non-descript photos for fun here. It was an honor and a lot of fun to be a part of their crew for 3 days. They have tons of exciting things going on so make sure you stop by their site to check them out.
Always more to come...have a good weekend...
Opening: Revelations
Show!I just wanted to mention really quickly that I’m part of a group show in Detroit at Art Effect Gallery (near East Market). I unfortunately cannot make it to the opening but if you’re in the area and have time, check it out! Lots of great work there. Have a good weekend!
Opens: June 2nd, 2-7pm.
Art Effect Gallery
Address: 1420 E. Fisher Fwy., Detroit, Michigan 48207
Gallery Hours: TH-FRI 11-3; SAT 9-3
Inspiration: So You Need A Typeface
Places: Detroit, Signal Return Press
Detroit!I was in Detroit yesterday (several posts about Detroit forthcoming) to drop off some images from the Quiet Men series that will be shown in the Art Effect Gallery. While around the East Market area I stumbled across an amazing print shop called Signal Return Press. I understand "amazing" is probably an overused term but I was really captivated with everything. They have a huge emphasis on education, getting art work seen and giving back to the community - all really wonderful aspects. As someone who knows only little about letterpress (but someday hopes to learn more) this is truly a great community. Anyway, I wanted to get some photos up on a busy Wednesday... take a look to the video below to get the full info on the press.
More to come from Detroit later...cheers.
Business Cards
I'm digging these Grand Rapids businesses...
So good to see a cycle shop on Monroe! And sure, full disclosure...yes, I understand being a vegetarian is at odds with liking the leatherwork, but I'm stoked about the handmade/Michigan made/small business aspect. I wish them both the best.
Have a good one today!
Archive: Someplace In France
Archive: Chicago
Mail: Postcards!
I'm Back
After a long absence on the blog...I'm back.It's been busy around the desk but I'm clearing away some of the clutter and getting back down to business. New posts to come... Until then, check out some hugely inspirational videos by Rapha (yes, I realize the last post had Rapha in it too, but such is life). More to safe out there, have a good weekend.
San Francisco + SPE012
A few photographs from my SPE walk about in SF!